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Pilates: A Low- Impact Workout

Pilates: A Low- Impact Workout

By: Chloe Lisowski

Pilates was created by a man named Joseph Pilates, who created a new form of exercise and body-conditioning (Pilates Central, n.d). Pilates was originally developed during the time of World War 1, during which Joseph Pilates worked as a nurse and created what is now known as a reformer by attaching springs to hospital beds (Pilates Central, n.d). This helped patients still be able to work their muscles even in bed.

Pilates is a mind-body exercise that is a great combination of stretching and repetitions to help improve flexibility, strength, stamina, and posture (Buiano, 2021). Pilates strengthens and lengthens muscles in the abs, back, legs, and glutes. Pilates goal is to use stabilizing muscles and be in complete control of your body (McCallum, 2022). Some benefits that come with doing Pilates are relieving tension in shoulders, back and legs, boosting the body’s natural ability to burn fat, and cross training to prevent injuries (McCallum, 2022).

Pilates might seem like a pointless workout or one that won’t make an impact, but that is not true. I have been taking Pilates classes for two months now to know it seems easy but is more difficult than what meets the eye. With that being said, it is a great low-impact option for working out (Buiano, 2021). An important thing to know is that Pilates is for everyone, and every age and fitness level is welcome to participate! It is recommended for beginners to start with 2 to 3 classes per week, along with a 30-minute walk (Buiano, 2021).

What makes Pilates a great option for working out is that not only can it be done in a group fitness setting, but it is a workout that can be done in the comfort of one’s own home. There are many virtual options and even free YouTube videos to follow along with. Equipment is not always required or needed. For instance, I take a Pilates class where all we need is a yoga mat. Are you ready to give Pilates a try? It could become your new favorite exercise!

If you would like to try an at home Pilates workout, here is a link to a 30-minute workout for at home and no equipment needed!

This YouTuber, Move with Nicole has many Pilates workout videos to choose from for at home Pilates. This is a great way to get started with Pilates!


Pilates Central. (n.d). History and Origins of Pilates & The Pilates Reformer.

McCallum, K. (2022). 5 Benefits of Pilates That Might Convince You to Add it to Your

Workout Regimen. Houston Methodist.

Buiano, M. (2021). Everything You Need to Know About Pilates. Martha Stewart.

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